The People

Maxwell Adams

Height: 5’9″

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Brown

Age: 27

Occupation: Private detective; Lawyer (formerly)

Springfield Cove’s most decorated lawyer, Maxwell Adams quit practice as he decided he needed a change of pace. He became a private investigator. Although most people believe that Springfield Cove is not the city for detectives, Maxwell believes that there is more to this town than most people care to see. Though he didn’t quite expect his best friend to bring him the case of a lifetime….

Michael Snow

Height: 6’6″

Eyes: Green

Hair: Ginger

Age: 29

Occupation: Businessman

Michael Snow is the owner of the famous One Snowy Evening restaurant chain. Excelling with top notch grades in college, he married his childhood sweetheart Crystal Evans and settled down in a beautiful villa in the countryside. But one day when dark shadows from his past rear their head, he decides to call upon the aid of his old friend, Maxwell Adams.

David Sharp

Height : 6’7″

Eyes: Black

Hair: Bald

Age: 27

Occupation: Police commissioner

In his youth, David Sharp was all you could ever ask for. Impeccable in studies (even sometimes outshining his friend Michael Snow) and also a big sports jock (which gave him his remarkable physique. But ever since then, he had a immovable moral compass. This led him to become the shining jewel in Springfield Cove’s police force, and being appointed commissioner early last year.

Fiorana Napolitano

Height: 6’1″

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Age: 30

Occupation: Head of the Napolitano Mafia family

Fiorana Napolitano is the daughter of the deceased mafia boss Bernardo Napolitano. After Bernardo died when she was 17 and her brother was 20, it was decided that the fierce Fiorana would ascend to represent the family as its face while brother Niccolò, cold and calculated, would take the reins as second in command. Though Maxwell doesn’t mention it, Fiorana and him have crossed paths in the past.

Edwin Bowler

Height: 5’5″

Hair: Bald

Eyes: Black

Age: 45

Occupation: Politician

Born an orphan, Edwin Bowler got mixed up with the wrong crowd at a very young age, being recruited by James Harroway in his criminal empire. He decided one day to change his destiny, exposing Harroway and making castle come crashing down, becoming Springfield Cove’s hero in the process. He’s running for mayor this year, with his strict stand against crime.

Terry Simmons

Height: 6’2″

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Amber

Age: 37

Occupation: Philanthropist, Politician.

Son of disgrace industrialist Harold Simmons, Terry was hell-bent on restoring the family name to its former glory. He used all his father’s filthy money and turned to philanthropy. Helping the needy, building hospitals, donating huge amounts to charity. Terry decided to run for mayor this year as Bowler’s competitor, in a shot to complete the change for his family from outcasts to darlings.

Springfield Ravens

Establishment: Unknown

Base of operations: Unknown

Leader: Unknown

Records don’t exist of the Springfield Ravens being actually real. But then again, who knows?

Laura Headley

Height: 5’7″

Hair: White (formerly black)

Eyes: Black

Age: 63

Occupation: Landlady, owns housing on Milverton Avenue, Leonard’s Square.

Knowing Maxwell ever since he came to her for a place to stay when he first started practice, Mrs. Headley has served as the mother figure for Maxwell after cancer took his mom and depression made his father go insane. Always there whenever Maxwell needs help, she also is bent on to rid Maxwell’s wine habit.

More entries coming in time……

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